When Arthur Frank Vanek and Mona Inez Leeson wed on August 31, 1949 they linked the following family trees, [Maternal ~ Muench and Leeson] [Paternal ~ Vanek and Gremaux].
Robert & Elizabeth's family & coming to America -- Note: When the family emigrated to America Robert dropped one "R" from Murrison, and thereafter spelled the family name Murison.
JAMES WILLIAM MURISON, second son of ROBERT and ELIZABETH became the adventurer who started the MURISON family on their expansion to America. JAMES had learned the trade of Cabinet-making, serving as an apprentice under Archie Robb of Fraserburgh for two years at $5.00 per week.
In 1883, at the age of 23, he came to New York, U.S.A. and worked in the general Repair Shop for 4 years. He then returned to Scotland to claim a former sweetheart, only to find that she had married an American and had gone to the U.S.A.
He returned to America and went to Winnipeg, Canada to work at the trade. He was there in the winter time and never forgot 'the bitter cold'. In 1889 he heard of the Spokane Fire and knowing there would be plenty of carpenter work, he came to Spokane, Washington that year. He told of not being able to buy Finan Haddie in America, so on one of his trips from Scotland, by steerage, as they called it in those days, he packed some Finan Haddie in his trunk. It naturally spoiled as the trip took two weeks then. Anyway, when the Customs Officers opened his trunk and got one whiff of that spoiled fish, they quickly closed the lid and sent him on his way. He also told of making a wooden bathtub for a house in Spokane.
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James Murison - 1916 Farming at Mansfield, Washington |
After working long enough in Spokane to get a "grub stake" he came to Waterville, Washington, and filed on a homestead, calling it "Glen Brae Farm".
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Glen Brae Farm - Mansfield, Washington |
His brother, GEORGE MURISON, who had 'gone to sea,' (hired out on a ship) jumped ship in America and soon joined him and filed for homestead, on land adjoining James' homestead.
They lived through the 'Hard Winter of 1889' and '90 living in a dug-out house and cutting rye grass to keep their two horses alive. He told of how the horses ate each others manes and tails, they were so hungry. The men, too, had very little to eat and told how the neighbors all shared with each other. Especially the McCormick Family who lived about a mile on down the draw from them.
ROBERT and ELIZABETH MURRISON were still living in New Leeds on February 3, 1882 when Robert wrote:
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Young George in Scotland |
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George Murison arrived in America |
They lived through the 'Hard Winter of 1889' and '90 living in a dug-out house and cutting rye grass to keep their two horses alive. He told of how the horses ate each others manes and tails, they were so hungry. The men, too, had very little to eat and told how the neighbors all shared with each other. Especially the McCormick Family who lived about a mile on down the draw from them.
ROBERT and ELIZABETH MURRISON were still living in New Leeds on February 3, 1882 when Robert wrote:
My Dear Johnnie (son of Mary Murrison)
I am glad today by receiving your kind and wonderfully weal (well) worded letter ... Many of more years would not done so weal. If you continue improving as you have done, and be spared in life, I hope many scholarly and loving appistles (epistle) will be penned by your hand. Think how grate a blessing God has conferred upon us that we can convey our thoughts and feeling to one another, and accept my thanks for the news you sent. Ah, I know it has cost you a penny and so hindered you from swelling your bank account I little knew this day 35 years (ago) I would be favoured by an apistle from a grandson, for it was this 3rd day of February, 1847, I was married to your grandmother (Isabella) and it was this 3rd day of February, 1848 your mother was born. Ah, Johnnie if you live only 35 years, you will see and feel many wonderful changes, for all things change, and we all change goo.
May every change bring more joy and pleasure to you. But there are marked changes that we never forget ... You will never as long as you live, forget your brother little Willie. So, I have deaths and births and marriages I will never forget a long as I live.
Buy why should I say deaths, for we believe the body only sleeps but the soul is alive with God in Glory. This should comfort us and make us long to be with Christ in Glory when there is no death, and no change of times.
I am sorry to hear of your unhealth and your absence from school for school days are precious for all the young. It is the season for the instilling of very important instructions, for all the life here, and hereafter, I hope.
Catherine is now better and that ale the rest is weal. Give my kindest love to your mother and tell her I am keeping this day almost as anniversary, of her birth. She is now 34 years this morning...
May you and all belonging to her, live to see many birthdays in peace with God and man with joy of a clear conscience and prosperity in both worlds is the wish of her affectionate Father.
I shall be glad to see you if all is weal and weather permits, Sabbath week. You might try Father to come along with you if he is not too lazy.
I was intending to be down but have not good getting from the house. I was at Fraserbush Saturday last, but had rain there. I intend writing your Uncle William this afternoon, as I am longing to here (hear) from him. I did not here (hear) of his son's unhealth. This season will be long minded on for it's mild winter altho it will also be minded on for is awful gusts of destructive winds.
Believe me your Affectionate Grandfather,
In 1895 ROBERT and ELIZABETH moved to Washington state from Scotland to join their two sons. It was in December that they arrived at Coulee City and James tells of driving the forty miles or more in a sleigh as that was the closest railway station at that time. He built them a small two room shingled shack on his property.
Letters written by ROBERT to BAIN family (his daughter Isabella):
Bridgeport, Washington
20th December, 1895
Dear Mr. and Mrs. Bain and family
In letting you know of our trip to our new home, if we had not had Mr. and Mrs. Leeson (his daughter Elizabeth) to guide we would not got so weale (well) on. Elizabeth was at New York to meet us, then we went by train and boat to New Jersey. Stayed there 4 days then they came back to New York, bought our tickets at lowest as Americans try to gaine (sp) by strangers, they are sharpies. Our faire (fair) cost 140 dollars each which is 10 lbs. each. Weale (well), we came by grate (great) North Pacific Rail by Mounttrail (Montreal) then through North East of Canada by St. Paul. . 350 miles then through Rocky Mountains which was a most beautiful sight. Then on to Coulee City, 140 miles ... James was there waiting with his pare and sledge (team and sleigh) as the snow were on we missed the road so went wrong and long way and if his horses had not bee spirited am ?? we had been donup (done in) but thank God we got home about 10 p.m. and stood out ?? ,, we were all night 16th in Coulee so we were 1 month from leaving home, rather worn out by so long by sea and rail. It is a very romantic country but far from Bonnie Old Scotland, but people who have chance live weale (well) ... pork of all sorts, we have hams, legs off fed beef, wild horses, flour, butter, milk, so rich of cream would carry a ?? Carrots like turnips, cabbages, apples... watermelons which grows on the fields by planting ... 5 cows, lots of hogs but they are cheape (sp.)
James has 1 small house he is to build a larger ... Geo's house is not complete but when completed will be a fine dwelling, all of wood.
They are all that's here but very comfortable... no wind here and when the sun shines here is as bright and warm as your summers yet still the snow does not go away till spring... we have nothing to do but cook for man and beast that goes out after feeding to the prairie then comes back to feed at night ... But is strange feed they use here yet cattle and all seems to like it weale (well) ... They have lots of Indian corn which grows on stalks. Any just like fiss Ewes, which they chew and like weale. No turnips I have seen.. When spring comes I think they will be very busy to get crops inn (sp) I will be glad to see land clear (cleared) I think we have come in right time of year to be climatized, or spring.
Now dear friends this is all the news I mind on at present. I will be longing to hear from your side, everything will be of importance to us here as we most if spared ever mind on you all.
Howe is Isabell keeping, is she likely to come over ... she is often on my mind and prayers .. But tho far apart God is every where present and so wonderful is His doings to the children of mankind in every part of His creation which is wonderful also.
How is John getting along, has he got a situation of any kind yet, I hope he has. Is Miss Ian ?? still tending her mother, she has a trying time but I hope God will support her and bless her in the paternal work she is called to perform. If John be at home, tell him to write us as he will have more time than you.
We are busy feeding cattle and ourselves in this stormy weather ... We are far from Post Office, only 1 post per week at best, in storm, none at all. George is to go with this, this week...
Believe me your affec. Father, ROBERT MURISON, Address: Missus Murison, Bridgeport, Douglas County, WA.
Unknown date:
My Dear Son, Daughter and family,
I must sincerely beg pardon for delaying so long in writing as we are situated so many hinderances occur. I only received your welcome letter last night -- was glad to see you were all in life by God mercies through such a bad winter which has taken so many to the unseen and eternal world, we cannot be too thankful for God's loving kindness to all of us who escape the many calamaties He often sends to remind that this is not our home; may be all be ready when the call domes, to our everlasting home prepared for all, through the merits of Jesus Christ. For all must feel their unworthiness and sin. Now I am glad to say my arm is near better only reuhmatism sets in. Old age does not come without infirmities, yet we are both wonderful strong and fit for plenty of work, thank God. Now as to weather and scenery, a very mild and moderate winter, now over, altho snow awhile, but still frosts in mornings at sunrise, then sun is strong and dries the land. I have cultivated onions through ground and early peas 1 inch. Our oats through, rye also and wheat, potatoes also set. Cattle and horses out feeding on prairie grass, gets nothing else but comes in full as on clover grass. Have so much milk we give it to the hogs as there is no sale for butter. 13 cents per pound ... 12 miles to shop ... Scenery is not what I expected, no wood for 12 miles, I have not got so far off yet, but see the mountains northwest all covered in snow a great depth. We are rather far north but there was not a chance so weale off ?? in the states; but this is a most romantic and wild scenery of country by wild hills, straths, vallies (valleys) and draws between one hill and then another for hundreds of miles ... some boulders of rocks as high as a house mostly all burned black splitted as by volcano fire and stripps in mountain ... our land lays in one of these valleys about 80 acres of flat the rest on hills on both sides .. East, West, South and North, we see only 1 ½ miles ?? Our houses lay east to the sun rising ??
There's much work on a new farm, not so bad to make as at your country as the soil is light and composed of sage shrubb and grass with carpet of beautiful flowers, yet I fear the summer heat we have more heat now than July or August with you....
Had a letter from Alex (Uncle Alexander) saying the wind there had been most stormy .. They were weal yet not pleased with ?? on sea... But little prospect here in Big Bend, as everything so back handed at present ... There is mining of silver started beyond Columbia River gives hope here and a railway proposed but money is most locked up ... Farmers have hundreds of bushels of wheat -- gets only 7 or 8 per bushel ... does not pay threshing ... James has bought unthrashed wheat hay for our cattle at 10/per load for what he could haul through snow so far off over mountains took him 2 days ....
He bought a mower, reaper and rake so we will be better prepared for harvest if crop is good, he had to hire last harvest ... did not get his well done, paid well too. He is going out to work next week for 2 or 3 months. He could not go till the crops were near all inn (sp.) but George and me has to get inn (sp.) 3 acres of corn, but you will say what is corn ... well, it grows like your fiss ews, on stalks, fine cattle feed. The seeds are like peas, fine for hogs when ground is poultry food. Planted 4 feet apart like potato set in the ground, grows high. Cut down by axe in harvest. We have many pests, wild animals preys on crops, squirrels cut off whole acres, they poison, trap and destroy as many as they can, they are like rats, also badgers innumerable, in holes, all bore large holes in the mountains and come out at night and coyotes like dogs howls about but not dangerous.
I had a letter from John of Rath ?? February 2 say when you write him I thank him sincerely but I have so many friends I cannot ? return compliment. We are all weale (well) and live in the Big Bend.
Of the range of mountains other side or rather this side of Columbia River more than 100 miles NE of the Pacific Ocean. If he looks his maps he will ascertain about our locality but think we are rather farr (sp) NW here. We had a letter from Elizabeth she had not been very weale (well) this winter in New Jersey.
It is strange to think we are as far off from her and more expense than formerly so great a distance as 3,000 miles.
Have you got Margaret's life insurance policy all carried out right now? I have been longing for communication from Mr. M.C. Wingie about my peats. Only got one letter which said he sold them but they were not away and were not paid, that was the first of the storm. Looking each week, he sends me the Peoples Journal so you need not. You sent ? wrote with milk last but I could scarcely make out, you need to see the milk is well put on ...
My Mr. always wrote a word or 2 when she sent a paper with ink on a corner did fine, yet that with milk when weale (well) done can be read fine..
If you are at Stricken and see Jeane Murison give her my compts.
Say I will write her by and bye but I have been so taken up by sundries and having many to correspond with but we give her thanks for her last letter will be always glad to hear from her ....
March 22, 1897
Now My Dear Mr. McBain,
I feel that I cannot at present send you my account we have not got any money to spare at present ... we had to buy food for cattle, horses, and hogs this winter and we are for fencing about 100 acres to enlarge the acreage to cultivate. this summer more land so nothing was made this winter but all out of pocket but James is going out to work for finishing a house but he will get no cash till autumn he gets 10/per day and board and they all live well here that has land but they can make little money as things are so cheap. But land is laying around us in thousands of acres for taking up ... we are too far out of the busy country.
Give my kind love to all your dear family ad Maggie, Lou, Robert and Alick tell them to be good scholars.
Write again tell Maggie her letter was good..
Your affectionate Father,
March 22.
Also March 22
Now my dear and loved friends and ---
I feels to think we are seperated
In this world and know not the sorrow or joys of each other for it makes feel yet in all our longing every dark cloud often has a silver bright side. When we look beyond, being taught by faith to anticipate the home beyond the skies where all the redeemed will meet to enjoy fellowship beyond ?? and this also by ... to learn of each other what a blessing pen and pos' (?) is to separate friends I feel for your afflictions altho I cannot alleviate only by supplanting God who alone can alleviate and comfort and has pledged to do so to all who apply to Him in faith and sincerity, may that be your case in all trouble as well as mine for we are in the world of sins and sorrows of wrath and affliction may we always put trust in God who never fails and is always near at hand everywhere.
David felt so in the 139 Psalm and it is said His had is my perpetual care, He keeps me with His eye. Why then should I forget the God who is forever nigh .... May we all trust to Him to teach us to live that we may dread our grave as little as our bed, and so to rise glorious in the sky beyond death and sorrow.
Mr. Wm. Gray got a sudden call so did George Mackie, my Missus brother at the same time. Friends are soon separated here below .. may we have that one friend who stayeth closer than a brother ..............
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Elizabeth Murison - Homestead near Mansfield, Washinton |
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Elizabeth Murisonn with granddaughter - Mabel |
ROBERT died in 1903 of Cancer of the ear which had spread to his throat. He was 85 years old and is buried in the Bridgeport, Washington Cemetery. He was 77 years old when he came to America and was very homesick for the 'Old Country'. (This information was given to ETHEL MURISON by JANE MURISON LEIDTKE.)
After ROBERT's death, his wife ELIZABETH lived on in the little shingled house JAMES had built for them on his place. In 1915, GRANDMOTHER ELIZABETH was out walking with a granddaughter, MABEL, who was about three years old, when she fell and broke her hip. She lay in her bed for over a year with her son JAMES' wife, ETHEL JANE having to take care of her and JAMES staying with her at night. Here, again, if it had not been for 'JEANE' who helped with the care of Grandmother, no one knows what would have happened. JEANE came many times and sat with Grandmother so ETHEL JANE could get away for a little bit, even though the grandmother didn't like JEANE, and showed it. JEANE was kindness itself to her. GRANDMOTHER ELIZABETH MACKIE MURISON died December 4, 1916 and is buried in the Bridgeport, Washington Cemetery.
Enjoyed reading these letters very much, J W Murison
ReplyDeleteIt gladdens my heart to know that! If you have family information or photos to share please email me at mtscribbler@air-pipe.com.